H – Glossary of Terms
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Hail Insurance: Form of insurance that protects against loss of crops from hail.
Hazard: A condition that creates or increases the chance of loss.
Health Insurance: Insurance against financial losses resulting from sickness or accidental bodily injury.
Health Insurance: An insurance policy that provides payment for benefits of a covered sickness or injury. Included under this definition are various types of insurance such as: accident insurance, disability insurance, medical expense insurance, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): An HMO is a prepaid medical service plan that provides a wide range of comprehensive health care services for a specified group (members) or individuals at a fixed periodic payment.
High-Risk Automobile Insurer: A insurance company that specializes in insuring motorists who have poor driving records.
Hold-Harmless Clause: A clause written into an insurance policy which one party agrees to release another party from any legal liability.
Homeowners Policy: A package policy providing home owners with a broad range of property and liability coverage’s.
Hospice: A health care facility providing medical care and support services for terminally ill persons.
Hospital Expense Insurance: A health insurance policy that covers daily hospital room and board charges and some miscellaneous hospital expenses.
Hospital Miscellaneous Services: Any services other than room and board (and general nursing services) provided by a hospital during hospital confinement. Included are such items as: X- ray examinations, laboratory tests, medicines, surgical dressings, anesthetics (including the administration of), and use of operating room.
Hull Insurance: A class of ocean marine insurance that covers physical damage to the ship or vessel insured. Usually, written on an “all-risks” basis. Also can provide physical damage insurance on a aircraft, similar to collision insurance in an automobile policy.
Human Life Value: A method of determining Life insurance needs by taking into account a person’s income, expenses, remaining years of earning, and the depreciation of money over time.
A tropical storm marked by extremely low pressure and circular winds with a velocity of 75 miles an hour or more.
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