Regarding choosing between Epack and Epack EZSM it is important to keep in mind that while Epack is primarily aimed at companies, private or public, with over 50 employees or assets over $10 million, Epack EZSM best serves private companies with up to 50 employees and assets up to $10 million.

The following information provides further details regarding Epack EZSM for Law Firms:

What is it?

  • A stand alone Employment Practices Liability Policy or combination Employment Practices Liability, Directors & Officers/Entity Liability and Fiduciary Liability Policy for Law Firms
  • Minimum EPL Premium – $750
  • Standard retention for EPL – $2,500 (higher retentions available)
  • Competitive D&O retentions
  • $0 retention for Fiduciary

Who is eligible?

Applicants who meet the following criteria may be eligible for an EPL quote:

  • 50 employees or fewer including independent contractors
  • Total assets less than $10 million
  • Basic HR policies, written and in place (see application for details)
  • Limited prior claim activity (see application for details)
  • No anticipated reduction of workforce of more than 25% of total employee count

Applicants who meet the above and the following criteria may qualify for an EPL, D&O/Entity, Fiduciary quote:

  • No anticipated M&A activity that would bring the company’s total assets over $10 million
  • No private or public debt or equity offerings
  • No fiduciary plans other than 401k and Health & Welfare Plans
  • No “going concern” opinion on financial statements for the last two years
  • No D&O or Fiduciary claims for the last two years
  • No licenses revoked or suspended over the last two years

How do I get a quote?

1.  Download an application from

2:  Complete the application and email to [email protected] or contact your local independent agent

3:  Receive your Epack EZSM quote from your local underwriter… usually within 24 hours!

What will my quote look like?

Depending on the information you provide on the application, you could receive up to three options:

Option 1:   $500,000 aggregate EPL limit

Option 2:   $1,000,000 aggregate EPL limit

Option 3:   $1,000,000 shared aggregate limit for EPL, D&O/Entity and Fiduciary Liability

All options will include the following enhancements:

  • Broad Definition of Covered Wrongful Employment Practices
  • Automatic Coverage for Third-Party Claims
  • Defense Costs in addition to policy limits
  • Two-Year Policy Period with annual installments
  • Independent Contractor Coverage
  • Wage and hour law claims defense costs coverage sublimit $25,000

Risk Control Products and Services

Included with the purchase of the EPL coverage section, at no additional cost:

  • H.R. Web Training – interactive web-based training for your employees, including sexual harassment prevention training, and human resources tools to assist in developing state-of-the-art employment policies, practices and procedures
  • H.R. Help Line – a toll-free phone number by which eligible CNA policyholders can receive human resources consulting advice, provided by a national employment law firm

To learn more about Employment Practices Liability offerings, please contact your agent or broker.

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