Lawyers Professional Liability (LPL)
Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance, Legal Malpractice Insurance, or Errors & Omissions Insurance – whichever title you wish to call it – YOU MUST HAVE IT!!!
Having provided this important coverage for lawyers in New York State since 1986, at Parsons & Associates, Inc. our knowledgeable staff strives to build and maintain relationships with our clients and brokers to properly evaluate coverage needs. That’s what sets us apart from other agencies in New York. With quality insurance companies available to you, we will uphold an exceptional standard of service all around.
We at Parsons & Associates, Inc. strongly believe in risk control measures to help prevent claims. The insurance companies we represent offer a variety of risk control tools to protect your firm. The programs available include:
You also will have access to a Toll Free Risk Control Hotline for personal consultation BEFORE you report a potential claim or summons filed against you.
As a leading source of lawyers professional liability insurance throughout New York State since 1986, Parsons & Associates, Inc. offers customized solutions for a variety of specialized careers. From professional liability (malpractice or errors and omissions insurance) to complete coverage for your practice, we craft insurance solutions to meet your individual needs. We are a third-generation, family owned-full service, independent insurance agency with access to help you with any type of insurance in New York State. From business coverage for your building, property and equipment; to workman’s compensation, statutory disability, employment practices liability and umbrella coverage for extraordinary events; we are committed to protecting your New York business and family’s most important assets.
At Parsons & Associates, Inc., we understand the special needs of your law practice. It is important to keep in mind that while general liability does not cover professional errors and omissions, wrongful acts, or malpractice – professional liability does not cover general liability. Not to mention the increased exposure to cyber crime, cyber hacking, data breach and identity theft simply through a lost or stolen laptop that may contain all of your clients’ contact information. Cyber liability insurance and cyber crime coverage are necessities in today’s world of technology.
So, is your office completely protected? For more information regarding our lawyers professional liability insurance solutions, call us at 800-440-9932 or email us at [email protected].
Click here for more information about our commercial insurance solutions.
Please Note: Insurance coverages apply to residents of NEW YORK ONLY.
Hear what our clients and brokers say about us…

Everything was handled very efficiently and professionally. Truly a pleasure to do business with knowledgeable, caring professionals.

thanks! this is still the best price, I was just curious. I get calls every few WEEKS asking if we want a quote for malpractice and I disregard them. You guys rock. Thanks again.
Interested in how we compare to your existing program?
Provide us some basic information today…
For a lawyers professional liability insurance proposal, please complete our EZ Fillable Online Questionnaire – Click here
One of our knowledgeable underwriters will review your file and call you.
Please Note: Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance coverages apply to residents of NEW YORK ONLY.
Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance, Legal Malpractice Insurance, or Errors & Omissions Insurance