Loss prevention for the winter months
Loss prevention for the winter months
Now is the time to prepare to ensure we have a safe winter. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help minimize loss during the colder months:
- Your fireplace hasn’t been used in a year. Before you start your first fire, make sure it has been cleaned properly to avoid a potential fire.
- Before you allow the snow to build up on your roof, invest in a roof rake to stop the ice dams at the roof eaves before they form.
- It is always a good idea to have plenty of snow melt or other type of grit for the driveway or walkway to avoid slips and falls.
- As winter comes, so do the holidays. Avoid plugging in too many lights or fixtures into the same extension cord to avoid a potential fire.
- Lastly, many people like to light those candles that add a nice aroma to the house. If you are going to light candles, ensure they are away from curtains or anything that could possibly catch fire. Also make sure they are kept away from any inquisitive children.
A change of seasons should bring a change of mindset in how to prepare and have a safe season. If you have any questions about your coverage, give our agency a call. We’ll be happy to help.